8E/8F Math and Science Teacher - 8F Homeroom
Wilson Middle School

Everyone is welcome here!
Ms. Stonjeck's Classroom

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Check out my classroom policies below.
Let's have a great year!


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My Classroom Policy
Devices: "Away for the Day"
School Division Procedure - all personal electronic devices are to be stored in lockers for the entirety of the school day.
Lethbridge School Division Procedure​
Wilson Middle School Policy​
Food: Snack Respectfully
Students may eat in my classes, so long as they clean up their mess and do not disturb other students.
​​My classroom relies on 3 foundational values for it to run smoothly:
Safety (no fooling/running around, throwing/pushing)
Respect (respect to yourself, others, and others' property)
Engagement (involvement in class material, using class time effectively , not being distracted by phones, friends, etc.)
Students will be made fully aware of these three values/rules. They are like the trunk of the tree: necessary for the tree to remain standing. We (the students and teachers) are the branches, supported by a strong foundation, and the leaves are the learning: only able to grow with support and sunshine.