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Year 2 

Fall 2017

Introduction to Genetic Analysis - BIOL 311

Fall 2017 - Final Grade: A-

This course addresses the chromosomal and molecular basis for the transmission and function of genes through various topics: Patterns of inheritance, including Mendelian genetics, segregation and recombination, sex linkage and human genetics; the structure and function of the genetic material including complementation and regulation of gene expression; the construction of genetic and physical maps of genes; gene and chromosome mutation; molecular genetics. Many selected organisms are used in the laboratory to illustrate relevant genetic principles. An semester-long ongoing project of breeding mutant fruit flies to determine chromosomal mapping is completed to demonstrate application of acquired skills and knowledge.

Introduction to Ecology and Evolution - BIOL 313

Fall 2017 - Final Grade: B

An examination of evolutionary and ecological concepts that explain the interactions of organisms at the individual, population, community and ecosystem levels with their biotic and abiotic environment. Labs and field trips explore ecological principles and the collection and interpretation of data by applying knowledge and skills learned in the course.

Organic Chemistry I - CHEM 250

Fall 2017 - Final Grade: B-

The study of functional groups found in the main classes of organic compounds and their molecular conformation and stereo-chemistry important to biology  (e.g., amino acids, proteins, medicinals, pesticides, fats, sugars, carbohydrates, nucleic acids)  as well as molecules found in everyday life (soaps, detergents, fibres, perfumes, polymers, etc.) are discussed. In the laboratory, techniques in organic chemistry, and preparation of some organic compounds. Two academic formal labs are written based on work in the laboratory.

Introduction to Linguistics - LING 201

Fall 2017 - Final Grade: A-

This course provides a survey of basic linguistic concepts, including universals of language; articulatory phonetics and phonology of English and other languages; words and meaning; linguistic rules and the formation of sentences. Knowledge obtained in this course should be enough to apply to any language in order to determine phonology and patterns in the language, as well as to gain expertise in the English language regarding syntax and organization of sounds, words, and sentences.

Abnormal Psychology - PSYC 385

Fall 2017 - Final Grade: B+

Focus of course is an overview of abnormal behaviour and experiences, their causes and treatment. Depth of the course is in specific disorders including depression, schizophrenia, autism, and various personality disorders. Controversial topics are discussed to teach critical thinking when discussing sensitive topics such as these.

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