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Philosophy of Education


If my Philosophy of Education was a tree, a healthy classroom environment is the trunk. It holds up the rest by being a strong foundation of safety and learning. Then, formative assessment that guides teaching are the branches. They change and grow so that the tree can reach the most sunlight. Lastly, inspiration and engagement are my leaves. Without leaves, the tree cannot take in sunlight to survive, but without and strong trunk and reaching branches, the leaves cannot reach their full potential.
Classroom environment provides a strong foundation, while formative assessment guides the learning process. Beautiful green leaves of student engagement allow the learning tree to thrive, but this engagement cannot be achieved without the success of the others.

These three words represent the foundation of what I expect in my classroom. Any behaviour that I observe must be safe, respectful to everyone involved, and it must be a behaviour that indicates engagement in the activity at hand.
Healthy Learning Environment:
      The environment of my future classroom is crucial in creating a foundation of safety and support for my students. Once this foundation is solid, every other aspect of successful learning becomes possible. It is important that my classroom environment creates a sense of comfort, safety, and community in order for students to get the most out of their educational experiences. This means setting expectations of respect and kindness between students, but also trust between student and teacher. In order to create effective learning environments, I must also build relationships with my students. Getting to know the students is one of a teacher's most important jobs. Students need to feel believed in and cared for, and a positive relationship between student and teacher will foster this. My classroom community should serve to benefit each student, by encouraging collaboration, interaction, and discovery.

Ongoing Formative Assessment Driving Educational Decisions:
      Within an established and successful classroom environment, you will be able to observe evidence of my further values as a teacher. I believe that frequent formative assessment is crucial in catering your lessons to the specific set of students in your classroom. With information gathered from formative assessment, classroom observation, and student interaction, I can adjust my instruction to suit the needs of the various types of learners in my classroom. Differentiated instruction and assessment is important in creating equal opportunity for each student to learn, and to demonstrate their learning.

Encouraging Engagement Through Interactive and Hands-on Learning Experiences:
      As a future teacher I aim to instill curiosity in my students. I believe that the greatest kind of learning is that which comes naturally. By focusing attention on getting students involved in their own learning through activities and manipulatives, I can engage hands-on learners and create memorable learning experiences. I want to foster curiosity and desire for discovery in my students. With open-ended projects that allow student choice paired with teacher guidance, I hope to encourage students to become better learners. As a teacher I am taking on the role of a life-long learner. My ultimate goal is to create a feeling of inspiration and a desire to continue pursuing knowledge, even once my students have left the classroom.

      I want my future classroom to be a place that students look forward to arriving at. Most important is the creation of a classroom atmosphere that is comfortable and offers an enjoyable and safe learning experience to students. My future classroom will offer equal opportunity to every student, and education that is adjusted to meet the needs of my specific class of students. I want my teaching presence to be one of engagement and inspiration, and I hope that I can help students to develop a desire to learn and discover in their futures.

Etched into the bark of the trunk are three words:

Safety - Respect - Engagement

The Blank Slate, Forgiveness, and Never Giving Up on Them
It is of the utmost importance that the student never feel given up on. I make an effort of always providing students with a blank slate for behaviour, and believe that every new interaction I may have with a student can be a positive one, regardless of the behavioural history of the student. I will never give up on them, they will always have another chance at making the right choices.
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