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TQS #1 - Fostering Effective Relationships


During PSIII I gave students the option to play Pokemon with me on Mon/Wed at lunch, providing everything they needed to play. Some students (like this one) brought their own decks and tried to beat me!

Pokemon "Club"

Clicking "View Lesson Plan" buttons will open it in 

Google Docs.

During my PSIII, I made an effort to connect and communicate with parents. This included:

-Calling parents on the phone during the first week of school to introduce myself

-Communicating via email with parents about missing asssignments or academic issues

-Keeping my Website and TEAMS updated with class content and duedates

Keeping Parents Connected


At the end of my PSIII internship, as a goodbye gift, I hand-painted a painting (featuring their interests) for each of my homeroom students and delivered them after the last day of online school. 

My visit meant alot to many of the students a tndhey were excited and happy to see me in person one last time!


A Personal Goodbye

Throughout my first practicum placement, I made conscious effort every day to build my relationships with the students. I always took opportunities to get to know them better, learn their interests, and talk to them about their lives. I also shared my passions and interests with them, so they felt like the knew me as well. I learned that if you can build a strong relationship or trust with the students, you will have a much easier time creating a classroom where students can have fun learning. I structured some of my lessons to specifically target these interests, and made every effort I could to be involved in their lives and activities.



I used Pokemon coins as counters in Math because many of my students loved Pokemon.

PS1 - I am a Story E.L.A. Lesson - Grade 1/2


I created this lesson plan to act as a chance for the students to tell me about themselves at the beginning of my PS1 practicum. The students listened to me read the story "I am a Story" by Dan Yaccarino, followed by a discussion about the theme of the book. Students talked about what a story really is, and if they can exist in forms other than just written books. Then, after seeing mine as an example, students got the chance to write a few sentences and/or draw a few pictures that represent "Their Story". Things like family, pets, favourite movie/foods, and hobbies were commonly included in their work. To close, students participated in a sharing circle, where they got to explain what their writing/pictures represent about themselves. 

I connected with the students through this lesson by asking them questions and responding to their work, and by showing them my own completed "My Story" worksheet to tell them about myself first.

Grade 1&2 GLO's: 1 & 2


Grade 1 SLO's: 1.1 & 2.2

Grade 2 SLO's: 1.1 & 2.2


PS1 - Building Rapport with my Students

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