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In the spring semester of 2018, and the fall semester of 2019, I completed Education Technology (EDTS 325) at MHC, and Communication Technology in the Classroom (EDUC 3508) at UofL. In these classes I learned how to use many different programs that could be useful for creating lessons or interactive activities for my future classroom. I learned how to use creative programs like iMovie and Screencast-O-Matic, as well as various Google apps that can help me keep organized as a teacher. I also began my Personal Learning Network by creating an Educator Blog, a Twitter account, and a Pinterest account. The skills I learned in these classes will surely come in handy throughout my teaching career as I am able to create unique content for my students to meet their specific learning needs. 

I also taught exclusively online school to my Grade 7 Science and Option classes during my final month of PSIII.

SMART Notebook

I can use SMART Notebook to create lessons and activities for any topic and any age range of students. I can use a vast array of features to make my lessons engaging, interactive, and organized. I can use SMART Notebook to improve my organization and lesson creation skills as a teacher.

Interactive Systems

I can use the following programs and apps to effectively create original, creative content and activities for my students:

  • Kahoot!

  • Socrative

  • PollEverywhere

  • Padlet

  • Spiral


  • Quizlet

  • Quizlet Live

  • Plickers

  • Pear Deck

  • Google Forms

Microsoft Teams

I used Microsoft Teams to teach online to my Grade 7 class in PSIII. I used Teams to upload class content, send reminders, take in assignments, send feedback and grades, and teach lessons via Online Meetings using Powerpoint and Nearpod.

Google Apps

I can use the following Google apps to create, organize, and present original content to my students:

  • Google Docs

  • Google Slides

  • Google Advanced Search

  • Google Forms

  • Google Drive

  • Google Keep

  • Google Sheets

Personal Learning Network

-EDUBLOGS: I created an Educator blog and can use it regularly to connect with other teachers, share my thoughts , experiences, and ideas, and learn from the insight of other educators

-TWITTER: I created an Educator Twitter, and can use it regulary to keep in touch with the latest updates in education, connect with other educators and professionals, and to share my thoughts on everything education related.
-PINTEREST: I created an Educator Pinterest account, and can use it to find new ideas for lessons, classroom design and management, teacher tactics, and anything else I could possibly need as a teacher.


I used Nearpod as a tool for teaching online to my Grade 7 students in PSIII. I used it to present content, take in exit slips, chunk assignments, and guide projects. Nearpod embedds into Teams and allows me to seamlessly guide my class in their activities.

Creation Programs

I can use iMovie to create professional-looking video content for my students using iPads to film and edit.


I can use Screencast-O-Matic to create informative an easy-to-follow instructional videos using just my computer.


I can use PowToon to create attractive, informative cartoon videos about any topic.


I can use YouTube to upload accessible class content and video lessons/tutorials.

Technology Skills 

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