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Professional Goals: PSI

By the end of my PS1 Practicum:

~I want to develop my teaching presence in the classroom into one of positive respect and control. I want to manage and address inappropriate behavior with consistent expectations in order to foster a healthy learning environment. The first step towards this goal is to learn to trust my judgement in determining what constitutes inappropriate behavior, and how I should respond to it.


TQS Reference

Competency 1(a) - Fostering Effective Relationships - acting consistently with fairness, respect and integrity

Competency 4(f) - Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments - employing classroom management strategies that promote positive, engaging learning environments



I need to first learn the expectations in my TA’s classroom and begin correcting behaviours that I know do not meet them. This will help me to become more comfortable with addressing inappropriate behavior and should also give me practice judging what is inappropriate. By the first two weeks I want to feel confident in my ability to judge behavior, and by the end of practicum I want to feel fully confident in my ability to address it. 



My greatest resource for meeting this goal will be feedback from my TA and UC. I hope that by watching me in the classroom, they will be able to tell me what I can do to improve my classroom management ability. I also took out a book from the Curriculum Lab about classroom management. I hope to use it to come up with positive but effective ways to address inappropriate behavior



To tell if I have achieved my goal, my TA and UC will need to observe my control of the classroom and watch for inappropriate behaviors. My evaluators should watch to see if I respond appropriately to each behavior (from a stern look and proximity to calling out behavior and having a conversation with the misbehaving child), while also maintaining a positive sense of control over the classroom. Over the course of the semester, I hope my evaluators pay specific attention to my classroom management practices, and provide direction, suggestions, and feedback where they deem necessary so that I can apply new techniques and eventually successfully provide a healthy, controlled learning environment.

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