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St. Mary's Middle School

-Medicine Hat

St. Mary's Middle School is part of the Catholic School Division. They are Grade 7 to 9, and feed into McCoy High School.


My practicum placement was with Shannon English's Grade 9 Science and Fashion classes. Shannon is also the Vice Principal of St. Mary's. In addition, I spent first period every morning with Brad Van Middelkoop's Grade 9 Religion class, which was the same group as one of my Science 9 classes. 


Being the Circuit

March 2017

For my lesson planning assignment, I taught my grade nine science class about current electricity and electrical circuits. 

In the photo on the left, my students are acting as the circuit, as I generate a current that passes through their bodies. They noticed that when one person let go, no one else could feel the electricity. This was an effective activity in helping them to understand why electricity needs a complete circuit to flow. The full lesson along with lesson plans can be found in the "planning for learning" and "facilitating learning" tabs of my KSA's.

My students talked me into joining them in the circuit!

Van Der Graaf Generator - Fun with Static Electricity

The grade nines got to learn about static electricity as well, and we used a Van Der Graaf generator to  to show them the power of static. The students were allowed to shock each other by their elbows, which created a visible arc of electricity. As you can see on the right, I did not find being zapped to feel very pleasant, but the students loved it!

The Greatest Last Day

On my last day of practicum, I got to join my grade nines on their dress rehearsal for the musical; Shrek Jr. I got to see them dance and sing, and just have a blast doing what they love. It was an amazing way to wrap up the year, and I am going to miss their energetic and lovely personalities! I attended the musical the next day, and their performance was amazing!

End of Year Evaluation

Somehow I found myself in makeup, turning my students into cats and bears!

Ed. 2500 - Two-Semester

3hr Weekly Practicum

Anchor 1

*NOTE* All students pictured had filled out FOIP agreements and had given consent for me to use their images in my portfolio*

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